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GRF Projects

2017-2020: Communicating Genetic Risk and Uncertainty across an Individual's Lifespan vis-à-vis Family: A Discourse Analytic Study of Genetic Counselling in Hong Kong


  • To build a database of genetic counselling consultations in Hong Kong across genetic conditions and diverse client and professional populations for the purposes of research, professional training and education.

  • To use an innovative research design to examine risk communication and its impact on the outcomes of genetic counselling in Hong Kong.

  • To examine risk communication vis-à-vis family, in particular, family kinship and dynamics when a genetic condition has to be managed within the existing family structures.

  • To examine how risk communication is contingent upon the sociocultural context in which the genetic counselling is situated.

  • To contribute to professional training, education, and policy-making by identifying and disseminating effective practices of genetic counselling for SADS and other genetic conditions.

  • To raise public awareness about genetic conditions through developing Hong Kong-specific client information resources (on-line and written).

2011-2014: A Discourse Analytic Study of Telegenetic counseling in Hong Kong


  • Using established discourse analytic methodologies to examine telegenetic counseling in a designated context of Hong Kong.

  • To identify and explore the analytic themes of telegenetic counseling.

  • To explore the complexities and challenges of telegenetic counseling and how they are mediated by participants.

  • To identify discourse strategies used in telecounseling to enhance communication and to achieve the objectives of these encounters.

  • To summarize the results of the study in a workshop for a professional community in Hong Kong.

  • To maintain a database of telegenetic counseling for the purposes of research and training of genetic professionals.​

2009-2012: Language, Medicine and Culture: English as a Lingua Franca in Prenatal Genetic Counseling in Hong Kong

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